If you have a basset you would like to relinquish to OBHR, or know of a basset in need, please email us! Please understand we are all volunteers and will get back with you as soon as we possibly can!
Director: Sally Carter
Email: ohbassetrescue@yahoo.com
Mailing address: PO 413, Brookville, OH 45309
If you have a question about adopting a basset, or a question about the status of your application, please contact one of our application volunteers. Please remember that we are an all volunteer organization and have jobs and families just like you, so please be courteous and realize it might take us a day or two to return your email! Thank you!
Janice at JaniceOBHR@yahoo.com
If you would like to help with one of our fundraisers, or are an organization that would like to invite us to participate in your event, please contact Valerie Hildebranski.
Have a question or suggestion for our website? Please contact Valerie Hildebranski